Chaikin Analytics is continuously working to take your feedback and improve the website experience. This update includes the following new features and improvements:
1. Updated My Chaikin Navigation
Depending on the level of your subscription, you will have access to the My Chaikin tab, which houses your custom lists, Chaikin lists, and Chaikin Health Check features. We've updated our navigation to make it easier to find each of these sections and other relevant information.
Previous Navigation:

New Navigation:

2. New Health Check Summary and layout
If you have the My Chaikin feature included with your subscription, you can get a Chaikin Health Check on any of your lists. Previously, the Health Check report started with a chart comparing the overall list performance to a benchmark.
- The new and improved Chaikin Health Check will instead have a summary of each section of the Health Check to which you have access so you can more quickly see the areas that need attention.
- In addition, the new version of Health Check groups the sections by tabs so you can review each section independently.
- You will still be able to print a full view of the report with all sections by using the "print" option at the top of the page.
- For certain subscription levels, choose a benchmark to compare your holdings against, which will be inserted into your holdings tab but colored differently from your list so you can easily see which symbols are outperforming the benchmark for your selected timeframe
- Finally, when you are viewing your Health Check page on desktop, you can quickly select a new list by using your left hand menu, from which you can select any of your lists
- You can search for a list by name, or you can filter lists based on a symbol (also available in the “All Lists” tab).
Previous Health Check Summary and layout:

New Health Check Summary and layout:
Note: If your subscription did not have access to the Earnings Calendar or Industry Exposure sections, you will not see those widgets in your Health Check Summary.

3. Filter lists by List Name or Symbol
If your subscription includes the My Chaikin section section of the app, you will be able to quickly filter through your lists by searching for a term in the List name, or by searching for a symbol found in any of your lists.
There are two places you can apply this filter:
All Lists Tab:

Health Check Tab:

4. Updated Weekly and Monthly Earnings View for Stocks Within a List
While previously, subscribers with access to the My Chaikin section of the application could view a list and select a day to see Earnings, we have expanded that to see the list of stocks with earnings within an entire week or month (instead of day-by-day). You can view that in the list's Health Check by selecting the Earnings tab:

5. Shortcut for Viewing Industry Groups as a List
If your subscription includes Chaikin Industry, Index, and ETF lists, now you can search any stock and click the Industry Group to view all other stocks within that industry.
Note: You can still navigate directly to the industry by selecting from the “Industries” list from your Chaikin lists and finding the industry of interest.

6. View Equity ETF Holdings as a List
If your subscription includes Chaikin Industry, Index, and ETF lists, you are now able to view ETF Holdings in your list navigator so you can easily select stocks.

7. Publications List Category Added to the Analytics Experience
Now, for subscribers with access to the Analytics section of the application, instead of viewing your Publication lists within your own User Lists, they will be conveniently separated into their own category:
We hope you find these improvements helpful to your investment research!
Good investing,
The Chaikin team