Chaikin 20-Factor Stock Reports are generated daily on over 5,000 U.S. stocks which have a valid Chaikin Power Gauge Rating. They provide a clear explanation of each of the 4 Power Gauge components – Financials, Earnings, Technicals, and Experts. You can open this report by clicking the View Full Report button.

The report starts with the overall Power Gauge Rating, similar to the Company page, but expands on the summary explanation supporting the rating for the stock. That can be found in the top left of the page as seen below:

Similar to the Company page, the stock report also includes the simple chart and key Chaikin indicators before it dives into the 20-factor analysis.

The 20 Factors of the Power Gauge Rating
Each of the four components has a section describing how the five factors within them contributed to its Bullish/Bearish value. It also includes related supporting data and charts not available elsewhere in the application: